How to create Positive Affirmations ?

What are Positive Affirmations ?

Positive Affirmations are phrases which changes the State of Mind from being Negative to Positive and Boosts us the Confidence and Self Esteemof the Individual. Positive Affirmations have helped millions of People to Lead a happy Life , Sometimes it works for one person whereas is notapplicale to another. Affirmations have the ability to reprogram the Mind to believe in a Certain Way. Writing Affirmations requires a quite Place and a Calm Mind.

How to Write Positive Affirmations ?

  1. Always start the Affirmations with "I" or "My" keywords : Quality of Affirmation improves when the Person refers to them self and it brings out Positive Energy.
  2. Always begin the Affirmations in Present Tense : It shows the the Individual is wanting the Changes in the Present and not in the Future.
  3. Keep the Affirmations as Short as Possible : Short and Simple Affirmations expresses the Most Powerful Meanings and Desires.
  4. Add maximum Positive Statements in the Affirmations : Adding Negative Words like Can't/Won't would highlight the Negativity instead of Positive Statement.
  5. Add Emotions in the Affirmations : Adding Emotions like "I feel Joyful" etc adds strong desirable meaning in the Affirmations.
  6. Write Affirmations which you could Follow : Write those affirmations which you believe are worth Achievable in your Life.

Importance of Positive Affirmations

Affirmations empower us to attract what we want and change our life for the better.Indeed, affirmations are powerful thoughts that not only serve our bodies — but also influence our mind, immune system and our spirit.Through the practice of repeated affirmations, we can make great progress on our chosen path and increase our magnetism to succeed in anything.Click Here to visit our Site where you could create your own Affirmations and convert them into Tunes and Listen to it Anytime Anywhere.

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